So I was a little bored and decided to take a pictures of all my hijabs. I have been meaning to do this since my Hijab organization post but I kept forgetting and I was a bit busy/lazy. But yes, I was re-inspired by this post I read on Maniac Muslim...I thank my one loyal follower for pushing my lazy behind to finally getting around to doing this...
I mainly have shayla style (Rectangle) Hijabs. Those are easily purchased anywhere really. I also own a few square ones and 2 triangles one. I have a lot more back home (pre-marriage) but I don't expect to be receiving them in the mail any time soon...It's been over 3 years. I have 4 sisters so yes I know where they went. Anywho here is the "collection". I am purposely adding quotations because I don't know if this qualifies as a me I think a "collection is something that is looked at and admired and just sits there untouched.. But I actually use these.. any who, here is it... sorry for the rambling.