I went to Ulta the other day, well my intention wasn't to go there, I really needed to go get some thing photo copied and notarized, and ulta is RIGHT next to the UPS store..lol weird I know . So I kinda couldn't help myself. When I went in I realized that I needed and wanted some new eyeshadow brushes because I was tired of my old brush (singular) and because I am now into eye makeup I thought it'll be a great little splurge.
I decided to get eco tools 6 piece eye brush set, and I also wanted an angle brush so I get one in the eco tools brand also. I am a little bit sad because when I came home I looked at my receipt and realized that I was undercharged. The girl didn't ring up the 6 piece brush set, and charged me 2X for the angle brush..in a nut shell, I owe ULTA about $5.50. I haven't gone back yet because it's so out of my way..and I don't have access to the car on a regular basis..so I am kinda stuck. INsha'allah when I go back hopefully next week to do some more notarization ( I am in the process of removing the "conditions" on my permanent residence status) so I'll go back and get that taken care of.
I also got an eyeshadow in "Daisy" it's a gold colour. Lastly a liquid liner, I will not get stared on my love for liquid liners. I think I am obsessed. I love them so much. This one is "Felt Tip liner" I don't find it works as well as it should. But it gets the overall job done I guess.
2nd Haul. Hijabs. I was picking my sister in law up from school (it's finally winter break) anyways so we kinda like to stop by this store Melrose only because their stuff is cheap and some items are great..so I went in and saw these scarfs
They came in a variety of colours..and they reminded me so much of Pearl Daisy "Fairy Lights" scarfs. so I was like yeah I'll get 2.. 5 bucks each why not eh.
Update: I went back to Ulta to do what is right. I had called a day before to tell them I was coming. All in all I got a coupon for $3.50 and I only had to pay a difference of 2 something. SEE it pays to be honest and truthful. The line was so long though..You shouldn't really do price adjustments in the holiday seasons. My 2 year old son was whining the whole time "Mommy LETS GOOOO!" ..."Come on LETS GOOO" I swear; sometimes I think he's 12.